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Jun 01, 2024


Jun 01, 2024

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What is PCOD?
What are the symptoms that are associated with PCOD?
How to control PCOD?
Importance of nutrition in controlling PCOD


In today's hectic world, characterized by irregular work hours and the constant rush to meet deadlines, maintaining good health often takes a backseat. This lifestyle often leads to skipped meals and reliance on unhealthy junk food. Additionally, many women overlook the importance of prioritising their health, resulting in diseases caused by hormonal imbalances. This blog aims to shed light on one such condition, PCOD, by exploring its definition, causes, symptoms, and effective strategies for managing or eliminating this disease. We will also discuss how proper nutrition plays a key role in controlling PCOD, emphasising the significance of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle choices.


What is PCOD?
Hormonal imbalances characterised polycystic ovary disease (PCOD), notably involving oestrogen and male sex hormones like testosterone and androgens. These hormones play a crucial role in egg development and release. When the balance shifts, such as an excess of androgens, ovulation can cease. This imbalance leads to the release of immature eggs, forming small cysts around the ovaries, causing symptoms like abdominal pain and weight gain. PCOS, a related condition, involves enlarged cysts filled with fluid, possibly linked to genetics or diabetes.

What are the symptoms that are associated with PCOD?

PCOD is initially identified by symptoms such as missed periods, acne, and excessive body hair growth around the chest, face, abdomen, and back. It is also possible to develop male pattern baldness or hair loss because of elevated androgen levels. In the course of time, fertility issues may emerge. Irregular periods are a common indicator, with cycles extending to two months or lasting longer than usual. When PCOD is severe, it may lead to depression. Without intervention, PCOD may escalate to complications, such as insulin-resistant diabetes and obesity, increasing cholesterol levels and increasing heart disease risk.

How to control PCOD?

Managing PCOD effectively requires a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. The benefits of regular exercise include weight maintenance and hormone balance. It is essential to manage stress by practising relaxation techniques and getting enough sleep. If you need personalised guidance or treatment options, speak with a healthcare professional like a nutritionist.


Importance of nutrition in controlling PCOD

Proper nutrition plays a vital role in controlling PCOD. Including healthy foods rich in high fibre like whole grains, legumes, and fibre-rich vegetables in your  helps stabilise blood sugar and insulin levels. You can also opt for lean proteins such as fish, tofu, avocados, and nuts, along with healthy fats. Prioritize low glycemic index carbohydrates for steady energy and incorporate antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables. Herbal teas, like spearmint and green tea, may also aid in managing PCOD symptoms. Avoiding highly processed foods, sugary snacks, and drinks, while moderating caffeine intake, is essential for effective PCOD management. You can also consult a nutritionist to help you set your diet chart, making it easy for you to keep your diet in check.


In summary, nutrition plays a crucial role in the management of PCOD. A well-balanced diet abundant in essential nutrients aids in regulating hormones and managing weight, thereby reducing PCOD symptoms. Embracing healthy food habits, engaging in regular physical activity, and seeking professional advice empower individuals to manage PCOD actively and improve their overall health and well-being.

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